The West Mountain Baseball Association was formed in 1980 and was preceded by the Brown’s Park Community Sports Council. W.M.B.A. is a member of the Hamilton and District Baseball Association (H.D.B.A.) and in turn part of the Ontario Baseball Association (O.B.A.)
The “Cougar” mascot has been adopted by the West Mountain Baseball Association. Our colours are black, gold, and white. The Cougar Lair is located on the “West Mountain” of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We play our games at McCulloch Park and Olympic Park. We have House League and Select Teams.
The West Mountain Baseball Association aims to teach good Sportsmanship and Fair Play regardless of winning or losing. The Association Executive demands that all convenors, coaches, parents, spectators, and players be aware that the welfare of the child (player) and his/her team-mates is the most important concern during team selections, playing of games and arbitrating of disputes.